Aneez Aroma Therapy
Creating distinct, quality aromas to support your body, mind and spirit.

Hi, I'm Cathy!
I'm so excited you're here! Aneez Aroma Therapy began because of my life's passion to help those who have, without success, tried many different conventional products on the market. Approximately 14 years ago, I chose to go back to school for a passion long lived: Holistic Health. I attended American College of Healthcare Sciences majoring in Aromatherapy. I acquired an Associates Degree in Complementary Alternative Medicine, a Certification in Aromatherapy, Wellness Coaching, and Natural Products Manufacturing. While working with individual case studies, I was compelled to help those who were seeking relief of stress, anxiety, sleep disturbances, painful joints, neck, back, hands, feet, headaches, sinus discomfort and more. My accomplishments were achieved through the use of Aromatherapy. I continue to go the extra mile using conscientious research to achieve well-being for those who are seeking integrative health solutions. My absolute passion is AROMATHERAPY.